tisdag, juni 27

Det har dykt upp två nya Dvnkl-recensioner. En i Chain D.L.K. (4 av 5) och en i Kuolleen musiikin yhdistys (jag upplever den som positiv). Den senare är på finska och översatt till engelska ser den ut så här ungefär (Obs! Det är inte jag som har översatt eller skrivit utan det är recensenten Jiituomas på Kuolleen Musiikin Yhdistys. Jag vet inte om det är ok att citera en hel "artikel". Säg till om det är så att man inte får.):

Moljebka Pvlses new album, which arrives in a hand-made package, takes
the sound of this project to new directions. This is of course quite a
strange thing to say, given that Mathias Josefson has already done
highly diverse material over the years. Yet this time is different: the
band has become a duo, with the addition of Karin Jacobson from the
group Les Issambres. The changes are mainly observable atop the
familiar, cold ambient surfaces. Karin's vocals add a new dimension to
the whole, despite having been processed far from their natural sound.
The first and final track are short (which in Josefson's case still
means 8 and 10 minutes!), the title track in the middle a singular
54-minute composition. The other two play out cold and beautiful, but
that one is purely oppressive.

It is as if one is listening to a pressure wave mixed into the level of
ambient music, with some noise added, and then fused into an incredibly
smooth surface. And the stronger the vocals come into play, the more
anxiety-evoking dvnkl becomes. Humming, sounds that almost transform
into melodies, squeaking. Everything plays seamlessly together, but the
results are not something one enjoys - especially not in the traditional
sense. At times the style becomes a bit lighter, very close to what the
clever Cloama+Blutleuchte project is at its darkest, but this does not
at all that the music becomes any easier to listen to. I do not remember
ever hearing anything as creepy and horrifying as this. The song is in
my opinion more than a little too long. Yet somehow different parts of
it are the "essential ones" on different occasions, so the length isn't
in reality a disadvantage. When it ends, even the simple end track
"sprl" seems strangely harmonous.

Not at all a pleasant experience, but an extremely powerful one.

3 kommentarer:

Hedokatt sa...

Jag läste den finska recensionen på Kuolleen musiikin yhdistys (på finska alltså) och det VAR en positiv recension :) Så det var korrekt uppfattat!

Anonym sa...

Ja, det var två schysta recensioner tycker jag. Jag gillar speciellt: "I do not remember
ever hearing anything as creepy and horrifying as this."


Karin sa...

Jag med :-)